Unsure about my last 4 answers. 4d. Spade held, lost over 11 tricks (4) ?L?M (slam). 16a. Girl composer listened to shrink (7) ?N?L?S? (analyst). 19d. Cut second outgrowth (5) ???R? (shorn). 22a....
2 to finish. 19a. Mark having listened, understood novel (5,3) ?R?N? N?W. 16a. Always calm, but I am cheeky with a lubber all at sea(13) Is it Imperturbable or Imperturbably? Thank You for any...
8a. At some outing, pub in St Paul's surroundings (9) ?I???S?T?. 12a. TV presenter to arrest unknown racing driver (5,8) ?I?K? C?M???L?. 14a. Be ruthless, but go without a single con? (4,2,9) ?A?E ?O...
1d. Load against plant (5) ?OST? is it HOSTA.
22a. Is leader getting firm new image? (4) Is it IMAM.
19d. Put on alcove section with a key (5)???A?.
Thank you for any help....