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I have seen it stated that the quantum entities approach the double slit as a 'probability wave' and that this accounts for the appearance of the interference lines on the receiving screen. It does...
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Is a diamond a metamorphic rock/
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Whilst out in Iraq recently I took a 2 litre bottle of cold water out of the fridge. I walked outside into the hot Iraqi heat and opened the bottle. As the bottle opened the water could be seen to...
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Why do scientists at NASA have satellite equipment to measure the effects of gas emissions when surely all the Apollo missions and Shuttle launches must be some of the biggest contributors to holes in...
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Simply put, Pascals's wager suggests that belief in god (God) is logical. If we believe, and god exists, we attain eternal paradise. If we do not believe in god, and he exists, we attain eternal...
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Why does DNA form a spiral shap and not just straight rods?
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This Q may sound daft but can you aswer it anyway Dose anyone know what is on the other side of a black hole? I mean scentists say that one day space is going to be sucked in to a massive black hole...
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so athe universe every now and then contracts into one ball and expands again, but i have a problem i cant see there that there is an end too the universe , because what is at the end, nothing, no...
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firstly i am aware that space is not a total vaccum. i am also aware that the particles in space, such as the higgs field boson, random neutrinos etc play little part in interactions with larger...
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In particular, social practices among the earliest humans - families, eating, communities, dealing with illness. Are there any definitive texts or recognised experts?
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Richie Stan
Its that old chestnut. What does happen to water down a plug hold at the equator, clockwise or anticlockwise?
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What was there before the big bang?
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AB Editor week/ The above link is to an interview with the author of the hugely successful book series "Left Behind". Basically, he believes that Jesus will return...
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is there ever going to be a day where the world ends? or is it going to keep going. But how can it when there is so much pollution?
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In the film "Event Horizon" the main plot has it that there is a gravity drive that folds spacetime effectively allowing more or less instant travel, is this theoretically possible given the...
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The Theory that if a butterfly flaps its wings in the uk it can cause it to snow in Japan, do you belive it?
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what is a super-liquid.... really? does it make a whistling sound will it flow through solids?
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We're told that drinking alcohol dehydrates the body and that it's bad to drink when the weather's hot. If you were trapped in a wine cellar with unrestricted access to bottles of wine and some...
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Don Duq
An answer posted by mibn2cweus on Thurs 29/06/06 at 07:30 has reminded me of a some ancient playing I once did with special relativity: "... until finally, at reaching the velocity of light, your are...
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is it possible for a person to have a 9 loci dna match to a member of their family,thank you.

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