1a. Second dismissal not going as intended. (10) (====f===n=) 9a. Fish with line that has weights. attached to rod. (7) (====e==) 1d. Horse carrying bishop is little one. (4) 2d. Either side of cooker...
55a. Oxbridge speak fir the act oc closing one's door in a bid to indicate that visitors are not welcome. (5,3,3) (s=o=t =h= o= (2,4)8d. Latin phrase meaning "by that fact" (2,4) (e= i=s=) TIA...
14a. Spiritual instruction with part of Bible,say. (6) (r=m=r=). 25a. Dog protecting its head in clash. (7) (c===i=e). 23d. This is the last such signal to player crossing line. (4) (===e) TIA...