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Can anyone remember this book and who the author was please?
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Mac attack
There was a triple (?) cd collection that came out this summer featuring mixed house tunes from 89 onwards. Had all the classics on it. Does anyone know what it was callled or what label it was on?...
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i was playing 'buzz' on ps2 today and one of the songs artists was something like tetrophonic, and im sure it featured someone else .sure the word 'kid' was in there somewhere aswel. bit vague i know,...
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Does anyone know of a Tradional Jazz club within reach of SE London/Kent ? I am aware of the 100 club in Oxford Street but any recommendations would be welcome.
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Can anyone tell me what channel and the name of the programme that was about black people coming to England after the war.It was on late one night and finished at 1am.I lasted until midnight but would...

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