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Dee Sa

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Dee Sa
Hubby cant fly at the moment his BP is too high, so our holidays will be spent at :- Windowsill Bay, Stopathome has anyone else been there too ?Reviews please. Dee...
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Dee Sa
so its "up the wooden hill to Bethlehem" for me , anyone else remeber that ?
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Dee Sa
Its hubby's birthday today and he is not a well person &has lost his sight thru diabetes, he decided he would like to try a new Japanese restaurant that has open locally and it wouldnt be too far...
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Dee Sa
There used to be a Zen chinese buffet restaurant in a Japanese complex in Colindale on the Edware Road. I know the whole complex closed down but I remember somebody telling me that the Zen had moved.I...
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Dee Sa
78a Isa ---- Still Games Gossip [3] 67a Cheapskate - - e - - [5] 6d Celtic shareholder Des - - - [6] Desmond 45d Me Too! market stallholder - u -i [4] held appreciated...
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Dee Sa
I have two relatives coming to London to stay for a month, during that time they want to go to Lourdes & Fatima. Having been to Fatima we went by coach from Lisbon on a day trip, I explained there...
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Dee Sa
I started to run a bath abd then got engrossed in CB, you can guess the rest, luckily it didnt overflow but was about to, I have just had a freezing cold bath and now I feel "fresh to the last...
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Dee Sa
Listening to James Whale on the radio yesterday and he said some religious 80 something nut in the US [ where else ?] has predicted that today the world ends and only his "believers" will be...
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Dee Sa
wow am I first today ? I woke up and thought it was 6.30am coulndt find my goggles and after getting up and feeding the cat realised it was 5.30am, so here I am with my first cuppa of the day.Rained...
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Dee Sa
last one 26d Name of the series of NASA space programmes designed to investigate Mars,Venus & Mercury in the 60s & 70s - A - I - E - [7 letters] want to put GALILEO but this programme was much...
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Dee Sa
75a suck up[a liquid] [ 6 letters] A - I - RB 109 a Hostile activity [ slang] A - G - O [5] AGGRO ? help appreciated Dee...
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Dee Sa
I went to bingo last night but didnt win either, I did not win the Tues euro lottery nor anything last night on the Wed lottery, am I just an unlucky person in life ? Yesterday I needed to buy some...
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Dee Sa
Re my last post about Oust being such a bargain, Amazon have e mailed me say its was a mistake in price and they have cancelled my order !
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Dee Sa
recently had a problem with the outlet and a flooded kitchen, a pal told me try Oust w/machine and dishwash cleaner. Kleneze book dropped on the mat it was £5.50, searched the net and they said...
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Dee Sa
this has just been e mailed to me :- 2 glasses of water waking up -- helps active internal organs 1 glass of water 30 mins before food--- helps digestion 1 glass of water before a bath -- helps lower...
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Dee Sa
Post has just come and guess what its a £55 parking fine from when I was at the hairdressers last week, told Chief Stout and has given me a lecture.Woe is me, the end is nigh, and its going to...
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Dee Sa
I could not sleep last night , got up and started a crossword and that only made matters worse, eventually went to bed and read a book till about 3.30am, havent got anything mega on my mind. Did...
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Dee Sa
last two help appreciated 20a The unending lust bothered private eye - - E - T - [6] 20d Endeavour to bridge East River - - R - V - [6]...
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Dee Sa
have family member who wants to fly one way with Qatar airlines Goa/Doha/Gatwick [ or Heathrow] I am trying to find out the following :- what time the flight leaves Goa and eta Doha then what time the...
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Dee Sa
any tips for growing potatoes in those green bags, I tried last year and failed miserably.

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