Swop a K for an M sounds handy, pet. (6)
Irish playwright - novice (5)
Lawn blog for a posh do (4,4)
Information for barristers (6)
Thank you friends....
14 sounds like where your house is (1,5) and 46 an old coin and a full bodied drink combine to provide support (11) and 60 he's looking for horny animal (11) and 72 the lowest ringers (11) I have more...
16 cleansing resort maybe (4 3) 24 a region under water (348) 25 a well known holiday request (425) 34 a break between two vehicles (7) 39 the outdoor lunch is held up (66) I am pretty useless at...
Excitement in Staffordshire (5 6)
A big hole (3 5 6)
The kids favourite holiday musical instrument (6)
Reading material, sounds snooty (7
Dip in a country road 7 Double pleasure in pars 6 Hurried alien 7 Found in a French inn 9 Sounds like dad is at the whiskey 7 Could be a sixties colourful band 6 9 Sounds like part of a child's leg 6...