The flower bed along our garden path has always had an abundance of tulips and daffodills.However this year although the tulips are showing only about 10% of the daffs have come up.Could this be...
We want to change our wash basin which is quite large for a smaller one.We have seen a basin in B&Q without pedestal.My question is will its base fit on my present pedestal,are pedestal tops...
2 to 3 weeks ago my 10 year old grandaughter was accidentally hit in the face at school which resulted in a bruise under the eye.The bruise has nearly disappeared but there is still a small hard lump...
Does any one out there know of a reasonably priced insurance company that will quote ANNUAL travel insurance for over 75's with more than one Pre Medical tablets for high blood...
I tried to send a picture off google earth to my son and it failed with the following message............An unknown error has occurred. Server: '' Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x80070057...
Just received holiday quote for 2 persons ie. £2162 plus £204.96 insurance cost. Anyone know what this insurance quote is for before I ring them later.I have not requested any holiday...
I have been trying to book a holiday in the Canaries with Thomson for late February and need a room with wheel-in shower.A flight with medical seats is first reserved then i have to wait up to 5 days...
Just read in my local rag that 1 guy and 2 women were each fined £175 plus £158.74 costs plus £15 victim surcharge for littering.,they each dropped a fag end in the street,now thats...
Some airports are now closed for at least 24hours,some flights will probably be cancelled. Will people who cannot get away on holiday be able to claim off there holiday insurance or will there be a...
Doctor issued me with this yesterday for my blocked synusus,took it yesterday evening,however it doesnt work untill after a few days.Midnight my nose was a solid block so i also sprayed a vicks Sinex...