East Asian insect that has
caused great damage to fruit
trees since it was introduced
into the US (3,4,5)
Searched everywhere to no avail. I have S?G ?O?E ?C?L?
Thanks in anticipation......
Struggling today. 1a Referee's parting shots for sub, for example (6) 1d Briefly visit Japan? Yes, that'll be dandy (8) 15a State eclipsed by Montana and Vermont combined (4) I can't make anything out...
Can't figure out 3 down: 3D Henry's climbing down over style (4) I have D?S?. Could be DASH - as in cut a dash = style; HS could be H(enry)S climbing (going up) with D(own) over it but that leaves the...
Really struggling with 1a.'Spirit to nobble old itchy sore' (12, 2 words) Looks like it should be an anagram, but nothing seems to fit with my existing letters, or match the definition. Any help,...
Last 3 ( I hope!) - 1 across - Flowery alcohol? Amateur knocked back two parts of quart running ?A?U? 17 across - Well advanced in certain areas, rook I kept in defensive position ?OS?IT Last one -...