19d Nick hastily got together cash, having no handicap (7) S?R???? (possibly!) 25a Shut up about Penny performing with love rival (8) ?O?O?E?? 28a Edward's back in race, dead set (8) ??R?E?E? Thank...
What follows Hogmanay. 2 and six letters.
May be a problem with the crossword setting as the clue asks for for 2and six letters. The grid has only 7 spaces...
Has anybody succeeded in finding today's online FT puzzles (cryptic & Polymath)? If so, could you please give me a clue (preferably not cryptic) as to where I might find them (other than "at your...
28a Poet's displaying shock, making haste to grab attention (6). I have HEA?IE. Must be an 'R', but is it a play on 'hear ye', or am I way off course? Thanks.
One who is happy to be dominated by another (4,3) - - m-/c-t Collection of old songs particularly French ones (11) c-a-s- - -s- - To alter or not follow the rhythm of a poem (8) -I- - -n- - Another...
7d Old spears:a lunge directed catches cadet, one certainly following behind (11) I have L????????ES. Possibly EG at 6 and 7. Also 8d They make settlements creating trouble in records (9) E?????E??...
Thought I'd give it a go and found it surprisingly straightforward UNTIL - last one 17 a. Fancied player gains lead in tennis. ?T?E?. I thought STEED (lead in tennis - T in SEED - fancied player) Any...
A strong religious or spiritual quality (10). I have N?S?N?S?T? Must have gone wrong somewhere as I cannot find any word to fit, tho sure of N?????S?T? Thanks!...
Struggling with top RH corner. 6d Crown circles head of tsar expanding towards the end (5) P???? 12d Tough grass nurses simmering hatred, ready to baste again (10) ?????E?DEY Thanks!