I have removed plaster board walls from my bathroom leaving loose electric cable which used to be for wall lights. I intend to put up new plasterboard but not new lights so what do I do with the...
On PoTC, Just as Orlando Bloom and (sexy) Johnny Depp are taking over the ship near the beginning, Bloom jumps down and shouts 'Aye! Avast!' Can anyone tell me what that means?
Is it possible for a mans penis to be 'too big' for his partner? I often get quite severe stomach pains after being intimate with my boyfriend, at first I thought it may be linked to being due on a...
I don't mean in a nutritional manner. But which foods could you not imagine life being complete without? I choose....Cheese,potatoes and tomatoes.Right! your turn!
Why does my TV have a green, ovoid stain in the middle of the screen (particularly noticeable when the TV is showing something dark). I have tried de-gaussing it by turning the TV off for an hour but...
As i say to so many people im not from here but i am, here and now ,Im from the furure i just came back to see how i became a legend,my question is am i alone.are there more of us out there,gaurdians...