All the answers are associated with clothes or accessories either past or present 1.University hold-alls? (6,4) 2.You and you go together in Paris! (4) 3.Men! (5) 4.Let it stand boy! (7) 5.Named after...
All the answers are associated with money/currency 1.Alter the route that has a steep hill (6letters) 2.We have five of these in a year (5,8 letters0 3.Watching otters at play-a golden moment (5...
I am stuck with seven questions,can anyone help please 1.Quiet workers 2.G.B.S. trainees 3.One to a T! 4.Iron Lady 5.fetter letters? 6.Thieves say? 7.Miller's junction
I have three questions I am stuck with 1.Alter the route that has a steep hill 2.We have five of these in a year 3.Watching otters at play-a golden moment all answers associated with currency/money