Morning all. getting nowhere.
1a Person adored taking time in warm place with Roy perhaps (5,5)
27a Rick engrossed by moneys finer details (5,5) ???S?/T????...
I know some of you have had problems with WorldPay taking your money and the DT site then telling you your subscription is cancelled or expired. Can anyone tell me how long DT took to rectify the...
Does anyone have a relevant e-mail address for the DT on-line site? It is now nearly a week since the site went down I'm getting fed up. The whole point of paying is to do the puzzles on-line and not...
Morning all, please help if you can
3d One who has committed a grave offence (4,8)
mass murderer? why
1a Gardeners skill? (10)
29a Light malt Peters brewed (10)
many thanks...
8a sign in west obscured by sun - 7 letters - **t*e*s 1d a section of a party around north getting coverage - 6 letters - ***i*g 20d greek character restricted trick in house - 6 letters - t*u*u*...