I have today received my quiz sheet and answers, and feel that there may be others who are puzzled by the answer given to No.23, as Herbert Asquith. I repeat my earlier posting of 26/11/07(?), raising...
3) Crack the code to find three clergymen DKUJQR, FGCEQP, TGEVQT 2)table chair divan clock couch stool, What connects all these words ( furniture or is that to simple)? Thanks
3 tire of jewel [4] 67 instrument for Cesario [5] 77 Smetana's symphonic river [6] 80 general fouder of Georgia[10] 83 we hear man with pen has a narcissus[7] then i've finished
Got mine back today I'd just like to say thanks for going to the trouble to put the explanations and the percentages for the questions that stumped people It was interesting to look at them
Answers are MAINLY sayings or songs!! and contain a colour. 5. A B A T A O S . 2. A R A A B . 4. A W A T D S . 25. L B B . 8. T R C . 37. C W B . 27. B A R
Can anyone help? The answers are now more difficult to find. All male & female pairs share the same Surname, but I need both the "given & surname" please, each question has two answers, the 1st clue...
firstly - how do i spell the kay / q bit ? and will be will be - is that true watever will be , will be - is it all fate ??? answers on a postcard with my man dodd on the front
help required with connections 3a,3b,3c and 3d also help needed identifying 8a, 11a and 11c. i think this connection is something to do with Wordsworth
Help, please. Section 1 - 8. Heavy Combat Engineer (clue for a place in Lincolnshire) Section 3 - 3. BELFAST BOOTLEG OGRE (Clue for a sports person and sport - Anagram ) Section 3 - 12 . REST FOR RED...
I have just won ?20 in the Cartmel scout quiz. I certainly couldnt have done it without AB as 2 questions had me completely stumped Thanks for the help Jean
help required with:- 13a,b,c, and d. i know the connection is The Waltons, but i have never watched it. Also 18a and the connection, 3c and the connection. Thanks in anticipation
21a an increased susceptibility to foreign material owing to a previous introduction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ 23d the european plant rhinanthus minor _ _l_o_ r_t_l_ 35d british 16+examination now replaced...