She is supposedly our entry for the Eurovision Song Contest. Are we scraping the bottom of the barrel or are we making sure we don't have to host it again next year.
Can any of you clever people tell me where I can download the last episode of this series, I recorded it for mrs cook while she was away, but he machine fouled up on the last one. Any help would be...
One should not take the English language for granted. Paddy took 2 stuffed dogs to Antiques Roadshow "Ooh!" said the presenter, "This is a very rare set, produced by the celebrated Johns Brothers...
The atheist of today, thinks that in this modern nuclear, space age it has become old-fashioned to believe in an invisible god. Yet today every worshiper who claims to have a atheist god is challenged...
My wife is at present in Australia seeing her grandson for the first time Iam at home with her HP Laptop and she has asked me to try and set up a Skype connection on it. When I click on the Skype icon...
Wednesday. It's not too bad outside this morning. In comparison to the last few weeks that is! Long may it continue to improve.
have a happy day everyone....
Has anyone flown Singapore Airlines to Australia? It may seem a silly question, but what was the food like. Only flown British Airways. I would appreciate hearing your experience of your flight. Thank...
I have just received a message from Mrs. Owd that Owd passed away peacefully and, as Mrs Owd, described it, sleepily, this afternoon in his hospice, his family all around him. Mrs Owd asked me to... How does this woman do it? Never...
I might have asked before,,,,,but. What can one do (if anything) to delay supermarket spuds sprouting. Tried keeping in dark, no good. Would they be better removed from plastic bag? Would you put them...
3. a hot dish sounds cool! ( i have this as baked alaska) 9. she may have returned this when the engagement was broken off 13. sounds like a cooking utensil with eight matching letters 15. cook this...
I just watched a part of this and can't believe how absolutely corny it is. The accents are cut glass and unbelievably twee and the arch coyness of Celia whatshername is cringeworthy. My mother adored...
Just waiting for the men to come with the new washing machine. They will have to turn off the electricity at the meter to hard wire the electric cable. Will this affect the solar panel inverter at...