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What is the best posistion (given you can get into it) to put your self into if you were in a lift that broke free from a great height(say ten floors) to minimize the chance of death. Personally I...
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I read in the paper this morning, that the 'over a hundred year old' British Red Cross emblem, is to be replaced with a Red Triangle. The reason given, is so that it does not offend Muslims. What...
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Anybody know any asylum seekers? Are they all work-shy scroungers infected with aids and TB, who have come to sponge off our welfare state, as it is portrayed by certain newspapers and political...
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What is the song please. It is recent, female singer - lyrics are something like 'I feel love I feel love'. It's not a cover of the Donna Summer song. It was played over the intro video for one of the...
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if I ring someone on their mobile and they are abroad at the time, we are both on different networks and on contracts, will we both be charged for the call?

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