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Can anyone help with these please 6 l on an I (that is actually l for Lima on an I for Indian) 5 I in the B 10 t on a s 2 r in an o 649 m in the b 4 s in a q 6z in a m 10 I on a c 7 p in a n t Thanks...
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Can you help me finish the first page? 1)Part church in Scotland 2,240 pounds in part of Lincolnshire 7)---- something false & hills in Yorks & Lincs 10)A meadow & wet land 18)Water to top of small...
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Three last ones to do To T O a N L To P O on T W L P have L E Thanks in advance
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Why do we only see Crane Flys in the month of September? Thanks in anticipation.
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Any help gratefully recieved! cryptic tour round Britain e.g BLT or cheese & pickle = sandwich. No number of letters given. Noel's favourite word? Reborn blind poet blanched shoots of an edible...
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the answers all refer to size distance weight etc 36 ,126 26 64 55 6 4711 112 7 thanks for any help
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listing all inflected forms of a word
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stuck on 48 down: Meerkat looked in regular places for fox 2,3: m???d thankyou
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49a Mayfair member - one of the Tory wets? (4) ?i?p is it wimp? if so, what has Mayfair member got to do with it? I'd be grateful for any help.
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Susan Castle
19A - Surgical instrument used to cut or divide bone (9) O S ? E ? T ? ? E 34D - Chief race of gods in Norse mythology; occupants of Asgard (5) A ? S ? R Many thanks for any help.
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My regular use for A.B. is as a great aid in solving Telegraph X-words etc. However, I would appreciate assistance in solving any of the following Hymns, Psalms, Proverbs, Bible quotations etc.: a)...
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Answers are bird names. 1. The bird for penance (9) 2. Also known as a landrail (9) 3. A polka-dotter, elongated - contained such a specimen in the Middle Ages and beyond (8)
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Redundant vessel Where David lived H.P.Sauce
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13. Marine Commando (5.7) 14. Smelly in the copse (4 6) 32. Grows on wasteland after fire ( 7 10) 42. Sticky Buds. ( 4 6)
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Is it just me or do others think it odd that folk are allowed to put on details of postal quizzes and ask for cheques to be sent when the cheque is made payable to an individual rather than a known...
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I am writing a pub quiz and am after some ideas - one of the categories will be entitled: Things you really ought to know - question like "What did the Tin Man want from the Wizard" - I am after some...
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Can you please help? prickly wine = hollyhock Aid to speech? Cause of unsound vehicle? Thanks
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Jimmy Bee
1Happy Islands 2 Schools have these 3 Earth 4 A former archbishop 5 Sounds like a colour but isn't.
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I have two quizes which I cannot complete, maybe someone else can help? 1. Intoxicated ?????? and ????? (6,3,5) The other answers all have 're' in some part of the solution. 2. High seas do this to...
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no.12 One at the Junction(7) no.13.Along length of cloth to gain this(4) No.46.Mr Cameron says hug one No.47.Its alright to go into Martin,s favourite sofa shop(5) Formal wear for a turle perhaps(9)...

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