Please can someone help me solve this clue which either starts with "P" or has "Q" in the answer - Note by king in doubt gets to one of his servants (7) Thanks....
help please 1a what's found in hole with labourer being late?10 ?????D???? 9a follow closely backing in scandinavian pop group for woman 6 ?????A-something to do with abba? 11a plotting in italy...
Stuck on two, help, please. 31a Cut of beef reserved for slow-cooking and soup. (6) ??T?I? 29d Shrub used in topiary (3) ??? Thanks in advance for any help.
Getting near the end now boys and girls. 21A Behind one's back, bishop is in Paris (6-4) S ? C ? N ? - ? ? ? ? Might be second best, but I don't know why. 24A Consumed pork pie provided by head of...
Still struggling with two answers for this quiz .. driving me to drink !!
8. Occupied the time machine for a while (4, 5)
9. Invented these withoood (4, 6)
Thanks in advance...
These answers are all film titles. 1). Aircraft harbor (7) 2) Large racial issue. (6) 3). But could also cause this above. (4,5). Think this is something to do with clouds Or weather going by the...
Almost a female-beak Answer is an animal of 6 letters
Almost a china-half on a telephone part. animal 9 letters
Almost a ***-look. animal 5 letters
Please can you help? Thank you...