Struggling with these Dingbats 1- Millionaire Pauper Sponger Pick-Pocket 2- blond and a blank square 3- A circle of the word tune (4times) 4- BREAD PUTTER BREAD 5- CARE in the centre of 10 Sieve 6-...
Can anyone advise me please. On the above quiz, questions 31 and 34 are shown as anagrams. Q 31 is Two VRRIES (anag) (4,3,4) and Q34 is Kept safely (anag) (6) I might be being thick but neither...
Stuck on last one (as usual!) 30a Dubious Rupert's leading trio at Sky abandoning chief: m?r?y - Murky? Fits the dubious part, but I can't see the rest.
all the answers contain the letters c,a,t
Slang name for a fiddler 6,7
pink flower with unpleasant smell 7
furry music 3,3,3,3,6
Thank you for help with this quiz for charity...
HARE THEY'RE BE IT ME 7777777 7777777 7777777 7777777 YOURH- -R- PAGANINI ------------ ROOF PP UU VIA YOUR YOUR MONEY ITALY HIGHWAY DupliCATe yBCou Any help on these much appreciated...
I've got 1 and a half left! Shame on me...
Help for
25 ac Final word from tyrant, cruel fellow (5) B***E
15 d Brief on legal action that includes a couple of clubs say (5,4)
SHORT ***T...