These can be fish, mammals, birds 1) old thin noble poet (anagram) 2 words 2) turned to capsize 6 letters 3) in the spot I'm there 6 letters 4) to cringe turned tail around self 6 letters....
Where a dentist might end match (6,4) - could that be hand Signal? Best place to stand for quiet hatred (6) Careful, with this you may get (green) ink on your tongue (7) a form of bridge playd on...
Please can anyone help with the following 4 questions Travel south maybe this crossing is 10560 yards from Portrush don,t get real sin mixed up here Back up through France make sure you have...
2. the letter S with golf under and level under that.
9. Three stick men hanging
11. Nazereth Carpenter
17. Alberts wife (above the word) complain
19. the number 2 (above the word) pubs...
Still got a few to do - all answers are names of living creatures. 50. Enjoyed moonlit hair care. 58. It had its night. 86. He whistles at pullets passing by. 87. Place for graffiti in France. 90. For...
An American Golf Pro (6,6), By Alfred Lord Tennyson (3,7,8), Crispian's mother (6,5), Coarse Sandstone (4,5,4),
Jerusalem has these (4,7,5), I was a boxer (7,5). Thanks in advance....
1 the breeds beaver,swan ,and golden fawn are now all known as what(7 7)
2 isles of the dogs (6)
3 at 3 cms long its the smallest of its kind in the world (9 5 9)
Thank you for any help....
Having just posted of the ABC quiz finished with so much help from you all am now trying to do the above quiz & finding that equally difficult. Help needed again please !!!! (no numbers given ) 26 A...
Q 60 Jabez Clegg 3 10 3 Letters. Thought the answer could be two Portsmouth st. the address but st is only two letters. Can anyone enlighten me please.
Hi Everybody, I am struggling with the last view clues and would appreciate any help if possible? All answers must contain a fruit or vegetable as part of the answer. 6. Home of Britannia (4) 9. Early...
No number of letters
23 sounds like a symptom of diabetes
28 can be achieved using an opthalmascope
37 charged with intent
38 is she a teaser when crossed
40 SBS member
63 M
18a crooked as latin dog a?s?c?g? 22a false praise for old country17d used poor oriental leather ??e?? 13d assembles church service set in retreating ocean a???S??. thank you everyone in advance l ....
12a US aid programme to supply its allies with materials in the Second World War(5-4) L?S?E / ?E?D - I've found plenty referrals to LEND -LEASE but can't find anything to fit this! 13a A company of...