no number of letters given
22 leave of absence
24 a type of fling!
28 breed of cattle
i seen to have the same answer for 24 and 28
thanks for any help x...
any help please/ no1 sounds like he made the ark move no2 inclement weather my dear i put reindeer for both so one must be wrong or even both also n03a grand ending in to a moment in time many thanks...
More cryptic clues relating to Christmas spirit -cheek robbie coltrane soap without trees titania lands gently not on frozen water, social gathering time and weight my a soft thorn news anagram ye a...
Have got most but stuck on 13: Yesterday: Singing Today: Acting Tomorrow: Dancing (Tomorrow: Dancing is underlined) 15: Red Lion Dulce Jonathan Sacks 18: Acton Ellis 5c Curragh 23: 41: Me " Christmas?...
Please can you help with clues for the following? only number of letters for some questions 8. Informally a tornado 9. Projecting spikes in horse shoe to prevent the horse slipping on ice (5 5) 56...
Three teams among stars (13) I think it could be I?T?R???????? pounds among thieves (7) N?????? Third hour office from Crete (5) ??R?O these are all very Cryptic and all interlik. Many thanks for any...
3d. Very good soft instrument (5,5) 5d. Small plant one hard to find? (7,9) 6d. Don't hit a girl (4) 7d. Investigate people opening garments (6) 9d. Graduate's second service 13d. Bully to pull...
Answer has a Christmas connection
We think the answer is perhaps toast,or drink.
Does anyone else have other suggestions
Thanks in advance...
HELP NEEDED PLEASE, This town gave it's name to an instrument of punishment.answer 9 letters. Restored to the status of city in 2012.answer 8 letters. Did Elizabeth climb this one.answer 9 letters. I...
1 Are the bananas wearing these?
2.Sounds like it rough near the junction
3 Cleaners of the dung are escaping from the smell inside
4 Have the kittens lost theirs?...