all answers have 8 letters. 1. not a kiss, but a curl of hair worn on the temple or forehead ( is this kisscurl or is tha too obvious ) 2. idle talk will get you a trifle or humbug ?....... 7. could...
Stuck on a few - some of the other answers have been really obsure (not sure if that's the right phrase!) 1. Delay departure, that is (8) 2. Hesitate on the rock and lift alien (6,6) 3. Note added to...
17d Brothers in Shaw's gospel, preached with Paul: ?a???b?? 21a Match kin, resort to Iris's seedy Soho newsagent: t???k?a? I assume this is an anagram of match kin, and presumably Iris is Iris Murdoch...
1) ACRIML= 2) littleLARGE littleLARGE little littleLARGE = 3) 9ALL5 = 4) s h hijklmno p = 5) XIST N G = 6) Search And = 7) GOOD = There are two semi circles in the O's at the bottom...
Subject Fighting Talk 1. He couldn't even sit after it 7,4,5 4. Unwilling propellers 6,6 9. Self destructing professional 2,3,5,2,3,5,5,3,2,3,5 10. Keep your bandanas on! Any ideas appreciated -thx...
Is anyone able to help with a couple of cryptic clues?
Control freak with long arms? 4,4,6
Twist of fate on the golf course? 3,3,2,3,5 - thx in advance...
13a Austere approach ?A?D L?N?
15a Keep an eye on those bills T???
20a Sound off ?U?E
27a Will it protect us from hell or purgatory F?R?W???
Thank you all...
Ok i have solved two of them the setter appears to have the number of hyphens wrong so now just need the one so here goes. --- ---- --i--- --- --- ------ i--i--- (3,4,6,3,3,6,7) Thanks for any help...
The answers are all animals, birds etc. 1. Totally untrue 2. Really uninteresting 3. Tearless sorrow 4. Mariner's companion 5. National delivery. Many thanks for any help. I may have more so watch...