All the answers are names of rivers: 1) Sounds as easy as A B C (3 letters) 2) Behold anger! (5)3) What the new batsman is eager to make (4) 4) River of wine - to go with cake? (7) 5) Draw diary out...
Hi, Can anyone help me with the following questions? 30) Which loch do singers wish was whisky? 38) The film Gregory's Girl ends with his pals hitchhiking to where? 42) Which comic once claimed to be...
You were right! The answer to - Copper needed having taken in a drink - was Pernod.I think their clue was wrong! Any ideas as to why - Scotland, it is said. - should be The Land of Cakes? Am I going...
3d Ready-made in Japan (3) Y _ N (Yen, but why?) 23d Check and decide mine's lost (5) D _ _ _ R 24a Beast's endless charge for drink (5, 3) _ A _ E _, R _ _ The middle letter of 23d is the same as the...
Can anyone help me with the following please: 0.92 R D of I 2 P of G for an E in Y 3 C of a T L 3 W on a T 4 C P 4 T F S (V) 9 T W S S in S Thanks in advance. No doubt I shall be asking for further...
Thanks for previous answers,but still plenty more to do. Help needed with these please. 3MH in the BR for M. 2000 BCSWB. 1C in an A. 6 I N. 4F in a B. 16 P in C. TT2. 2R on a T. 70MSL on a M. 3G. 64...
many thanks to all who helped previously answers given mean i must have something wrong 1/mean to add to the quarter yard (4) ---r 2/had spied five entering in the early morning (4) ---n 3/ the fbi...
1/ the fbi agents again turned in the foreigners (7) g-r---s 2/ has nothing to complain of, really (9) m-l---e-- 3/ holding the dish and the pot (7) h---i-- 4/ bandy ? (10) -r-------l lastletter 3 is...
Firstly thanks to all concerned for previous answers,hopefully we can continue with these. 3MH in the BR for M. 7S in an E N D. 7V in a G N. 2000 B C S W B. 23 P of C in a H C. T 8 - FP to V in B....