This is “The Court Jester” It has been said that if you stick enough monkeys in front of type-writers and keep them all typing away for long enough, after thousands of years one of them...
1) Put down a motion (5) 2) Harpic more useful than shower gel in an American one (8) 3) Part of a flower on the table (5) 4) Lets everything slip away (7) 5)Causes a maiden to topple (4) 6) Ssssh (5)...
24a. If you wind Les up, get Con (7) ??t?t?? 47a. Soar about many a mount (5) ??S?? 100a. Cup to hop into - try (6) ?????T 1d. What's poetically temporal may give two germicides a hint (5,6,7) T?M??...
20A For which one needs to be in fighting form (5,3) C _ ? _ S _ A _
18D A girl lef in custody C _ ? _ E
Please note ? is where the two clues intercept. Thank you....
Happy New Year All.
Not a good start.
Three left.
1a cause grave concern 6l d - - - - -
2d in a conecrated way 8l - - c - e - l -
7d ingest 6l i - c - b -...
Stuck on 3 questions: 6d. Most good fortune's to do with money (5). I have L?C?E. Also 11a. Learn it with some idiot (6). I have N?T?I?. Lastly 14a. Instrument almost certainly needs retuning (8). I...
I am trying to help my Mum out with a ditloid quiz here, but it seems impossible for our Below are the few we are well and truly stuck on, any help will be very much appreciated...Thanx...