Hi My sis inlaw missed the start of the competition for a caravan that requires 5 sets of numbers from the bottom of the back page of the Mail. Including tomorrow`s she will be just 1 short - has...
Previous post was misleading and am hoping someone can help me with this.
T I always S I N. (The answer has a numbers connection)
Help would be appreciated....
The first letter of each word is from the first line of a well known Christmas or song (in alphabetical order) e.g. A C D I O W (I'm dreaming of a white Christmas) is "White Christmas". Any help will...
Hi folks, stuck on these last two if you can help please? All answers are musical instruments! No letter nos given! 6. Secondly please submit items registered.? 10. Tennis players should be 2 love for...
Cyptic clue: 13A) Expert about to join short line (7) Straight clue: 13A) Expert or master musician (7) I have M?E?T?O . The answer is almost certainly MAESTRO but what is the logic behind the cryptic...