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You either love him or hate him,i always think he is shouting!!
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Was immediately banned ................why? the Ed has spoken to me on my thread (a Brokenstoned thread ) he called me nokow so he knows full well this is noknow , so why isn't Brokenstoned banned?...
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who else is into fung sway?
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evening all just to let you all know i am still alive and kicking i have not been to well lately as usual the doctors say that its a bug what i would like to know how many bugs are going the rounds as...
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Has the clocks going forward knocked everyone out of zinc? - Like me! Or, have You all gone trick or treating a week early?...
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can you think of any other words to describe me?
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i post something random here?
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I had a thread about this a few months back, is anyone around who answered me on it ?
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idiot ? snags getsmy vote...
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in certain posters and neither does my companion....
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i applied for a clerical post in the nhs for 9 months temporary. i got the job and i am working 16hours part time. my manager has advertised the job i am doing now for a 25 hour post, and has moved me...
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After all that roast dinner & ale I`m blertin like a good un, & its not very pleasant.
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I'm looking for a cafe or restaurant fairly central where I can have a good leisurely breakfast. Not one of these £20+ jobs though. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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......and the thread was closed................
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are people asking whats happened to what happened ?
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if you dropped a clanger on here , would you A, laugh at yourself . B, make up a story about having a strange unfathomable SOH that others don't understand. C, try your norks or nads off to get any...
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I was watching Postman Pat yesterday and thought to myself "What kind of role model is he for the kids?" The bloody scab.......all his mates are on the picket line..........

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