If my alarm works as intended, I should be posting this before 6:30 am in order to avoid a repeat of last week's double launch. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the gremlins will be favourable at...
Well here we are at the start of a new month and I (gen2) am standing in for seekeerz for the duration of November. (Please don't stress out the abacus - it is about falling apart after a traumatic...
Good morning everyone and welcome to the final weekend's contest and the last chance to pull out all the stops to finish on top of the heap for this month. At present we have joint leaders - Mrs E &...
Goodness, we're getting through October at the rate of knots and while I think of it, youre truly will be absent from the scene during November and gen2 will be in the hot seat and running the show,...
Good morning all, coming to you at warp-factor 10, now having cranked the dear girl up and onto broadband, I hope there are no more spectacular hiccups !!! Week 2 is upon us - fingers crossed or a...
Good morning from a sunny Adelaide and a very unsunny seekeerz whose three previous attempts to post her thread has been met by the white wall of silence and then oblivion !!! Have now tried turning...
And the final week of the current contest. Fingers very much crossed against a repeat of last Monday's meltdown but very glad that Gen2 realised my predicament and was able to carry on, regardless. By...
Good morning everyone, inspite of 'panic stations' yesterday, I'm actually here and posting [ obviously !! ] so gen2 will be able to relax and have a lie-in, instead of having to hold the fort for me...
Here we are, all ready and waiting for the matches to be posted, so when ever you've got then, I'll be happy to hear from you...........bye for now though, S
Good morning all, I sincerely hope you're all managing to keep your feet dry, given the footage being shown on the news recently - looks like you're getting the rain we need so badly....I wonder if a...
Good morning all from very sunny and warm Adelaide - Spring has really arrived and I'm enjoying it [so are the weeds, but that's another story !! Here we are at the beginning of a new month and a new...
Well, here we are, right at the end of the month, ready for the final showdown - will it be patchett or will it be lysander or will one of the several followers come flying through to trump everyone...
Good morning all - and an early one at that. They do say "strike while the iron is hot" [what on earth does that mean ?? I'm sure it has nothing to do with clothes !! ] In this case, however, it means...
Good morning all, I know it's an early start - a case of getting in while the going's good !! A very quiet night in the Shrubbery - might have been cold and wet and the pub's out of grog ??? I know...
Good morning all, well I'm trying to make it so but with the site having it's usual Saturday lunch time hissy fit - why does it have to be now, I ask you !! So with fingers crossed that I won't get...
Good morning all from a wintery wet down-under - at least the wind not blowing at warp speed an cutting everyone off at the knees !!! I'm not going to waffle on for long, rather I'll try to post this...
Good morning all - and welcome to the last week of July's competition. I'll make this very short and try to post it keeping fingers crossed that it's successful.....more to follow