I'm changing insurers and am going through existing policy to check details. I think we've over estimated the value of the contents value by miles but so hard to work out what the rough value is to...
Good afternoon, Please aim your questions and feedback squarely at me, on the question! Thanks! (If you're having trouble answering for some reason, please get in touch: [email protected]...
There is an extra letter in clue
35a Tip of razor-sharp lance thrown with line speared shellfish (5) NAC?E
nacre ? but where's the extra letter and how does it parse please?...
I don't use my landline, but have to pay for it as I have broadband with Talk Talk to use my laptop. My monthly charge is £27.70 - would I be better off using a dongle (Vodafone pay as you go £50...
Help please. Hints on: 36A. Hard nut containing a fine substance (7) 6D. Instruments frequently found in quiet extremely uplifting hospital (8) 14a. Very fine pieces of china are spoilt with marks (8)...
This is really good news, especially for its pensioners, as they can now afford to plug the ever-growing deficit in the Pension Fund....
Due to some log in problems this is the first ev i have tried in ages, and a playfair to boot. With only 3 clues to try to crack code, and only 2 of these I could get. Have not yet worked out how to...
I'm in the process of selling some shares to finance an upcoming holiday. I only sent off the form last week so there's a chance the money from the sale won't be in my bank account before I leave....
Can anyone help please with the phrase to be written under the grid (supposedly deduced from the additional words from across clues)?
Thanks for any help...
Regarding personal savings, in particular ISA's. In light of the dire rates for savers, would it be prudent to have a variable cash ISA or fixed term? Having a fixed term maturing soon and now faced...
This year i made hanging baskets using the click in sections but have found that when I water them the water just flows straight through. Am i not putting in enough soil when planting them up or can...