Two got me on the ropes today 18d My clothes fit galore (6) ??p?o? And 18a Group of specialists are concerned about daughter (5) ??d?e, thanks in advance
Struggling on two 7d Larger billet needed to house one of the Desert Rats? (6) ?e?b?? And 23d Man of the house installs very quiet shower (6) p?p?r? Thanks in advance
Thought I was doing well this week until7d You need it to drive Spanish bear over playground (5,4) ??a?k ?e?g and5a Swallowing third of dose healed afflicted (6) nursed? If so why please? Thanks as...
Need to get going in top lh corner 1a Author's strong feelings in intros to best sellers (7) 9a Soldier backed imposing base (7) 3d Reject the foreign district of London (5) thanks