So it has arrived in Lockerbie, worried about the greenhouse blowing away, garden a swamp, oh to live in Scotland! What is it like where you are, roll on hurricane Betty!
24a7ljazz group receives texted greeting in island capital.c---m-s 25d3lforeign money contributes toDail Eireann.--i(?) 2d5.2.2.6l's.p-i---,-f-o,-e-u-h.(?????) many thanks,none too sure of some of...
22 ac. Associate with a Biscuit (6) ?O?N?? 16 down Labour Politician who was Mhairi Black's predecessor in 1950 and 1951((4.4) T?N? B?N? is it Tony Benn?
Good afternoon
need help please - 18 down 3,3 Dad's a pillar in Hoy ??? MAN and 20 across glowing hole appears in chimney in America (8) ??M?N?U?
On the ropes today last 2 maybe 16d Doctor left receipts for alcohol (6,3) I have m?i??? S?c and 22a One leaves navigator map ???t thanks, brain dead now
The last one has vanished from 'latest posts' so here is a new one to get you started. Just follow as near as you can with a lyric of your own. Have fun and play nice. Love cupid04. x I'll start you...