Struggling today,maybe these two will help 8d Motivation in "about a Boy" ???s?n (6) and 2d Clue for "V" requiring weighty calculations? (6,2,7) ??n??? o? G?a?i??, thanks...
Last one but maybe something wrong elsewhere 29a Control speed governing toboggan's turn (8) ?e?o?a?e, relocate,resonate,renovate,revocate, grrrr, thanks
Stuck bottom left 26a Abandon bear crossing river (6) ?t???? 14d Jail evil person,impressing royal correspondent (3,6) pen ?r?s?? And 20d Stainer's numbers tackled by male alto (5) h?h?? Not happy...
Last 2 in this hard xword for me today 1d What to do with ship arriving,say,in slip......ah got it docket! So last one 14d Secular group of upwardly-mobile socialists(4) ?a?c, thanks
Firstly thank heavens common sense has prevailed in my home country of Scotland.Stuck on last one 1d Ready to throw up odd cases one put in bow of ketch? (7) s?s?i??.Thanks
Good luck all with daily mail today, but I thought some obscure clues, one for starters I will give you is dewlap for droopy calfskin down clue. New one for me!
Struggling in bottom lh corner 14d Husband pairs off,oddly ready for shock treatment (9) h???s???y 16a Part of speech bound somehow to appear in place (5,4) ??u?d ???e and23a Escort king receiving...