1a One who tries a bit of needlework - S?????r 2d Assumed i could have included a doctor - ?????? 9a Inflamed at having name pulled from hat again - R?????n 11a Could it anger swingers in church -...
1d Aren't corners used in such a contest? ???????? ????? 20a Impose oneself on another and deal out blows- ??????t 22a Unfinished building to north of Texas city - ??????n 5d Mad person playing with...
10a More than a couple of pounds for a smock - I?e?a??
7d One partly dressed? - S?n?????n
13a It will strangely wilt, being only faintly illuminated - ?r?l??...
14d Biting speed of salt - T?r??a?e
15d Tortilla cooked on the beach - ?????r?l
20a Score with two kisses? - ??e???
24a Far from reluctant to act as a mourner - C?e?...
8a With intention to stay away is forgetful - ???e?t headed 2d Scope for doctor in small area of land surrounded by water - A???t 15d Free of charge - ???o?d 11d Cross girl at the end of line -...
13d It completely covers the swine - P?g?i?n 6d Step dance - ??a?u?? 14a Grooms so removed from muddled response - P???n6a Not the same table-shaped hill - ??s? 17d Smell measure of acidity with...
6d Step dance - ??a?u??
15a Boards train, an old vehicle - ???n?c????
7d Money coming from said Scottish town - ??e?l???
14d Young actor - ??????y
19a Join hands for a few brief moments - ???i?s...
2d CH in full - C?m???I?n of ?o?o?r
16a Words spoken by Lady McBeth - W???s ?o?e ?a?n?? ?? ?n????
12d Suggestive remarks - ??????????
23a Classical home for drama - ???h???e????...