Dear everyone Just two clues left: 14 & 19 down. 14d - 'It's a gem of a game', contains 9 letters and the ones I have are: _ P _ I _ A _ R _ 19d - 'Bounty is a big ship', contains 7 letters and the...
Dear All - just some left to get: 1down: 'Nominated at the same time as, stand' (three words of 3,2 & 4 letters). THe letters I have are: _U_ U_ O_T_ 3 down: 'Concert one takes the child to' (one...
Dear All - just 2 clues left: 17 down 'Are they always sad-looking?' Two words - four letters each and the ones I have are: E _ U _ & E _ E _; 22 down: 'Refuses to take the small coin and runs off'. 6...
Question Author Many thanks everyone (again!) - just another query: 26 Across 'Forgotten - in the throes of drink?' (four words with 3,2,4&4 letters). I thought 'Out of ones mind?' However, as...
Dear All - just two clues left to get: 6 down (7 letters): 'Substitute the phoney pearl, having got the keys' and the letters I have are: _ E _ L _ C _ Then 18 down (7 letters): 'Agreed to have...
Hello - not sure if I've got 9 down right: the clue is 'Are just what's needed to feed the baby bird' (three words; first word four letters, second has three letters and third has four). I thought it...
Dear all Two more clues: 1 down - 'I go in to pre-set, as arranged, in the break'. 7 letters long and the second letter (as far as I know) is E. 8 across - 'Turning, says sharply "Fight"! - 4 letters...
Dear All Just three clues left to get. 1 down : 'Copper animal with a gold base you'll find at the museum'. 7 letters and the ones I have are: _ U _A _O _ 5 down: 'An excellent arithmetician, the...
Dear Everyone - am really desperate for some help! Have just one question to get, it's number 17 and is as follows: 'Money Mail revealed in October 2012 that gas and electricity suppliers offered a...
Dear everyone Just 2 clues to get: 11 across (6 letters)'Are, in the end, bound to be approached'. Letters I have are : C _ A _ _ _ also 6 down (5 letters) 'Tear off, clutching a pound in change'....
Dear All - just 3 clues left to get: 5 down 'Stop and bait the mouse-trap' - two words - six letters and two letters: _ H _ E _ E _ _ 16 across - 'Claim to be authors, we're told' - five letters and...
Dear All Just two clues left to get: 3 down: 'Confessed, the day before, to having swallowed'. Has 6 letters and the ones I have are: _ O _ N _ D 25 across: 'Hello! That's odd! There's a Goya...
Help - just three clues to get: 2 down 'Forecast, as before, the ages will be falsified'; 7 letters long and the second letter is R 12 across: 'Don't commit yourself as to the boundary'; 5 letters and...
Dear all - hope someone can help! All but three clues (brain has given up...) of BT cryptic prize crossword (21/4/12): They are: (1) 6 down - 'Sister troubled about the French having inexhaustible...
Dear everyone - just one clue left to solve in the above: It's 15 across, has 7 letters and the ones I have are _ A _ H _ O _ and the clue is 'Cook a fish? No way!' Many thanks in advance Fiona...
Dear Everyone - First of all, many thanks for your help in the past. This time I'm stuck with just the one - which is 'African country a man is at home with'. 5 letters and the ones I have are - _ E _...
Dear All Just two clues to get in the above: 15 across - 'Fuss in the stableyard or fields' - 7 letters and the ones I have are _ E _ D _ W _ and 23 across - ' Record the code in which B is A' - 4...
Hello - just two clues left! Firstly, 3 down - 'A small quiet cry' (4 letters and the ones I have are _ E _ P) Then 6 down - 'Finding nothing in the ice cream might go to one's head (7 letters and the...
Dear everyone - just one left to get. It's 3 down and is 5 letters. The ones I've got are _ R _ E _ and the clue is 'Of course it's for putting on!'
Thanks in advance (as always!)
Dear All - just four clues left to get. They are: 9 Across: 'Not a hardy tree?' It's 6 letters and the ones I've got are _ A _ R _ _ ; 3 Down: 'He may go out for a bite.' 6 letters and the ones I have...