7 a offer to coat right tree with sticky stuff [8] no letters 11a downgrading line-one escapes complete eradication[8] no letters 12a soldier clear about one Bupa customer?[7,7] no letters 8d I am to...
13a easily agitated runs mad after book's lost R-I-E 4d fatuous joke beginnig to amuse -a-a 14d tabloid frames second Royal heading for girls,showing clear evidence [7,3]s-o-i-g -u- 20d organised...
6 unusually amused about former communist countrys resort to divine intervention 4,2,7 d-u- o- m---i-- 13 queen occupying a place for the night funded by scotsman[this one] 10 d-a-e---n-a- many thanks...
10a city where the confederacy met for the last time -r---s-o-o [10] 2 down month in 1865 when remaining soldiers of the confederacy finally surrendered [4] ju-- 17d state which was part of the...
17a horse one kept by big man[6] -u-h-e 19a philosopher making stand about whole article being suppressed[9] a-i-t---e 24a bury within confines of tumbledown abbey[7] t-n-e-- 6d woman held up by cruel...
16a graduate with terrorists in the west indies[7] ---a--- 20a dominates regarding animals [9] 24a perform the last dancebut can't pirouette[5] 15d student finds the bounder alien[5] 17d suggests...
5 down theatre cut poor rehearsal you disrupted[5,5,5]royal ---r- ----- 16 down not what the moon does to-the sun,so I fancy? [9] --t------ 26a extract a loan and decamp?that's risky[5,3,2] many...