Hi Guys, I am really struggling to think of a theme for my little girls Easter Bonnet parade this year. As it will be her last Easter Bonnet Parade in this school I so so want it to be spectacular. To...
roughly how does a digital camera work. I have had one bought for me and am scared of it. How do you get the pictures to go on your computer. Sorry to sound really thick. Katie. x
Can anyone recommend a good website. I am interested to find my ex husbands birth mother - he was adopted and his adoptive mother wont give us any details. I think it was a private adoption in the...
Hope you all had a nice weekend.
Mine was fab ! Date was fab!
But I let myself down and had lots to drink yesterday.
I am appalled with myself.
Take Care.
Katie. x
Hey Daffy ! I went to the bank in St Annes Square to pay a mortgage this morning. Went into Lytham Square and picked up a few bargains. Seemingly a local criminal solicitor who practices in Blackpool...
first was a Gay man, wants the house because its ideal for him. Is on incap so will get all his rent paid. I ask for a small deposit to begin with, i.e. ?200 and let them pay the rest up by monthly...
I am renting out another house I have got at the moment and have had a couple of not so nice Tenants in the past couple of months - but I have learnt from it. I advertised it in last nights Gazette,...
Whacked again to so to all who gave me GREAT advice today, to Mamma, Jules, Chatter box, Red, Legend, max, bob the turkey, aka pixi and any one else that I may have forgotten, thanks for yet another...
Just before I went to get lunch for us both I asked him to put up my golfing brolley as it is raining in Breezy Blackpool today. I said "would you be so kind as to put it up for me Domenique", he said...
Has just walked through the door, I can hear him downstairs. QUICK FOLKS, WHAT IS MY COURSE OF ACTION I need answers IMMEDIATELY I have 10 minutes to do this in. Katie. x
Hi Guys, I REALLY am whacked tonight and really NEED to go to bed so I shall bid you ALL a good and safe nights sleep. May your dreams be nice ones and come true ! Jules I feel really bad ! I was...