I don't suppose anyone knows the dance track used during the intervals and match summaries (often with a live feed to the stadium in the background)? Bit obscure I know.... Thanks
Hi folks, can anyone tell me the name of the game were you drive down a packed motorway and then deliberatly crash you car to see what carrnage you can cause. I remember playing it at a mates house...
I can find numerous codes for Cheat Websites, the question is, how do I enter them?? On the main screen where you have the Bonus Codes Menu, all it says is LOCKED so I can't enter anything in!! Do I...
I have just bought a SNES on ebay, and I know a couple of good games to buy, but can anyone recommend thier all time favourite snes games? I want to compile a list of classic games to buy.
There are several sites that claim you can download games, wallpapers, movies etc. for a one off fee. A friend says he does something similar using FTP?? Has anyone used any such site and is it a scam...
Whenever I go swimming when instructed to float, I sink. This has always been the case much to the frustaration and bamboozlement of swimming coaches. Aparantly floating is a natural ability for...
why do cables tangle themselves up? Even if I tie them up sopmehow they break free and tangle! I have even tried "better quality" cables, with no joy! Is there a cable tangle fairy? what explains this...
Who is the best Film Baddie of all time? I like Eric Bana in Chopper, but you kind of feel for the character, towards the end, so I dont know if this counts.
I have a new garden pond, at the moment with no plants in it. Do I need to put frogspawn in it or will frogs find the pond? Also if I do have frogspawn and no plants, will the newly hatched frogs have...
o have a daughter who is 17 ,i havent seen her in 14 yrs,,me and her mum were young,,had bad relationship with her mum,,i was in prison in and out,,i never got to form a bond with my kid,,,now im...
Ok, the 'De Luxe' version of 'The Scream' by Siouxsie & The Banshees was released on Monday - and I have just got my copy.It's not quite the same excitement as buying the original vinyl - but...