Hi all, I hope someone can help me. I would like to do a course of some kind in which I could learn how to make a realistic baby. Does anybody know if there is such a thing please?
Hi all, I have been using my ipod loads and for the last couple of days I can't get it to switch back on. It is fully charged because I kept it on the docking station for about 5 hours. I have tried...
Hi all, I have heard of a painter/artist called Cecile Olding I am sure thats his name but nothing comes up. There is a Cecil Golding and I have seen some of his paintings of ballet dancers but the...
Hi all, I had to have my beloved rabbit put down today and am so upset. I wanted to be with her while they put her to sleep but wish I hadnt. They had to put 2 injections into her ear and then she let...
Have any of you folks read the following books? The Personal Question by R.U .Gay The Complete Pratt by Dick Head The North Pole by I.C. Plaice The Condom Market Stall by Jonny Sellers Which tent...
What is the difference between a flagpole on the beach and a blonde nymphomaniac on the beach? One's a sandy rod and the other's a randy sod! Why doesn't the sea fall off the edge of the Earth?...
"Never!" replies Dave. "Well just relax and let it happen So he did and after a few uncomfortable seconds later, an egg pops out from under his tail. An immense feeling of relief swept over him and...
There were two twins, Joe and John. Joe was the owner of a old dilapidated boat. It just so happened that John's wife died the same day Joe's boat sank. A few days later a kindly old woman saw Joe,...
A man enters a confessional and says to the Irish Priest, "Father, it has been one month since my last confession and I've sinned with Fannie Green every week for the last month." The priest tells the...
In case you don't know the Darwin Awards are an annual honour given to the person who did the gene pool the biggest service by killing themselves in the most extraordinarily stupid way. Last year's...
Hi all, I have had a bad toothache for three days now and before you say go to the dentist, I am absolutely terrified of going because I have had 2 really bad experiences. The 1st one was when I had a...
A guy walks into a hospital with two black eyes, a broken arm and a golf club wrapped around his neck. "What happened to you?" Asked the doctor. The guy replied. "Well, my wife and I were slicing golf...
A guys wife asked him for ?2000 so she could have breast implants, her hubby said "no way, anyway they are fine I like them the way they are" she says 'but it will make me happy" so he says "just get...
Hi all, i would like to know what you call when for instance you can see another picture hidden inside a picture? I can remember seeing one when I was younger and it was of an old gentlemans face with...
Hi all, I am going to the filming of this programme soon and have seen that it says it starts at 10am. Has anyone been before and if so would you recommend that I get there for 10ish or do people...
"hi i am trying to fid a episode of a tv show from the 1980 about a boy with a monster under his bed which comes out every night and promises not to hurt him as it is his bed he is sleeping under......