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21a) Contritely (10) s?e???s?l? 60a) Treads and risers (6) s?a??? 63a) By choice (10) o???o?a??? 9d) Swiftly acquire (4,2) ?n???? 20d) Boat-steering lever (6) t?l?e? 33d) Late 1950s music style (7)...
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12a) detach (10) ?i???n???t 13a) Film for motorists (5-2-5) d???e???o?i? 26a) Roughly scoop g???e 45d) Attack, assault (9) ?n?l...
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21a) A type of crusty well-fired Scottishloaf that's not elaborae or complicated (5) ?l?i? 24a) The cunning of a West Edinburgh shopping centre, say (5) g?o?e...
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25a Fruit for the breakfast table or nuts ! (7) b?n???S
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2d The bumbling BBC owes for these Incy Wincy productions (7) ??b???? 3d You'll need a new bat, Nell, for this lively team game(7) ??t???? 26a Energetically driving round Ayr with glee? (7) e?g?r??...
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Sunday Mail 21a) A criminal with a bishop's crosier, Mackenzie? (5) ?r?o?...
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16a) A marriage in Aberdeen's top street? (5) ????n 16d Hopeless or ineffective? Don't apply so much, apparrently (7) ????e?s 21a) Upset Dai follows me to see the Press (5)...
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4a) A terribly spooky spectre for George Galloway's party (7) ??s?e?? 7d) Ideas and ohukisiohies? He is surrounded by the Tories (8) ???r?e? 9) A football team apparently, in reserve (5) a?i??...
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6d)concoction, to make amends for something (5) a?o?e 24a) Frivolous and silly? Yes, Carolina nervously conceals it (5) i?a?e...
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21a) The Dutch city where you'll find the Foreigh Secretary? (5) ?a?u? 27a) Examine the bill in an American restaurant (5) c?e?? 23d) A headmaster or judge with a big nose (4) ?e??...
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4d) Move very slowly to a small Scots island 4 i?c? 14a) What's better than a birdie at golf? A big birdie! 5 ??gi?...
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7d) Dropped out? Dee's grin conceals the answer (8) r*s***e* 3d) It's mental or physical misery - or utter upset (7) t****e...
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4a) A great looking girl who's like a bull in a china shop? 7 s******
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4a) Defeat decisively with a surprising recount (7) t?o???? 7d) Put at peril - and apparently finish with wrath (8) ??d?n?e?...
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23d) Taking a little dip on Deeside in a pool of water. (4) ?o?s
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1d)Bend back to see a church span (4) a?c?
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1a) Look for a measure on the scales, so to speak - 5 ????t 2d) Whisky, vodka and wine, perhaps in the local? Oh blootered (7) ??c???l...
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17d Ivan ill? Yes, suspicioulsy - he's a real baddie (7) 7d Ray's come, oddly enough, to see the tree with the helicopter seeds (8) ??c?m???...
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4a) It rankles somehow that you needs nuts and seeds (7) ??r?e?s 8a) Feeling guilt? That's Adam - Hes going to pieces (7) a?h?m?? 11a) Beetroot soup for a group in the club (or scholars?) (6) ?ors?h...
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23d) A little brat sometimes climbs to become a top guy. (4) ?t?r

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