can anyone help? I cannot sign in to msn, have tried various tasks and have been informed to look at my firewall, being no good on computers I wondered if anyone can help me in laymens terms please.
My sons hamster has got out of its cage !! Last night I could hear it gnawing its sounds to be under the floor boards but I cant say where exactly !! Should I leave it in the hope he will find his own...
Dearest CBers, I haven't looked back at the posts before now on CB because I thought we'd all move on - It's only a website after all - Just looking back now and laughing at posts I'd missed in the...
Right folks, I pitched this idea to a couple of people on MSN yesterday but I want to get the throughts of everyone else. After the new year, if CB isn't back to us, I was thinking about comissioning...
Morning All just dropped in to say hello, and to check that alls well here then I'm off again, Where did the rumour that CB was shutting down come from? I cant find anything about it or well as long...
As you all know, I was saving my stars for new years eve, I now feel it the done thing to let u all have them tonight. Also personally I feel the plug will be pulled btween 1 an 5 am, please feel free...
Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolvingAnd revolving at nine hundred miles an hour,That's orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it's reckoned,A sun that is the source of all...
Tis a truly sad day - What will i do now to displace my activities? i'll miss you all (esp, pixi, champers, BOO, margeb, georgit, ruby, dakota etc etc etc). love and kisses b13thy xxxx (ps, special...