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Small child posting on Cb tonight. Everybody be on your best behavior. Shall we set an example and prove how good we can all be? (dot has made a swear box out of an old shortbread tin)
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dah dah dah da, an its alright
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:o( make me feel sad!
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Due to a power failure, only one paramedic responded to the call. The house was very, very dark, so the paramedic asked Kathleen, a 3-year-old girl, to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he...
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Here's me at home.
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i dont give a rats testicle thank you
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honest i need to speak to a gorgeous and refined lady.....
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Are you listening to right now, no one try to be cool and say something like the clash, London Calling, unless that's what you're listening to....ahem, tell the truth.
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a relative of mine has had to go into a care home and it costs 450 quid a week for a man who worked his backside of all his life yet if he had been a tax dodging doley low life the state (thats...
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I got suspended today from answerbank, havent been suspended since I was at school :-(
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Never mind ventriloquists like Keith Harris and Roger DeCourcey. What about Professor Stephen Hawking? I saw him on telly blathering on about galaxies for hours and I never saw his lips move once....
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May I add that if you find the below offensive - then dont read it... Twelve priests were about to be ordained. The final test was for themto line up in a straight row, totally nude, in a garden while...
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non tax payers another day wasted?
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I put a couple of threads up this morning and posted a few answers then my pc went all funny and I had to dash out. Just come backin and everything from this morning has disappeared. SPOOKY! Has this...
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Sorry hun I was a bit drunk last night, forgot it was Wednesday lolWELL DONE HONEY, YOU'RE DOING SOOO WELL X X X X
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aka pixi
I am now stepping away from the keyboard, I am going to go downstairs and see what real life is all about. I may read a book, or watch some tv, or shudder do some cleaning. As you will all appreciate...
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How are you all today???
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this is my 100th question by the way His everyone?
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Is she still in bed?
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What was the profession of the good samaritan? Thanks

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