Why has my account on here been stopped????? I am positive I havent said or done anything offencive to warrent being stopped logging on! Any clues? Cheers a.k.a ............. andrea81 P.S Morning all...
Do you have one ? Were you hitting it hard last night or pacing yourself ? Seems that there are plenty hangovers here at varying times and days of the week. Is cb bad for your health ?
whenever i tell i little white lie (just something like 'that jumper looks great' nothing big) i always tend to touch my face a.k.a: rub my fore head, scratch my nose, etc does anyone else do that? is...
following on from my question last night which ab'er could be classed as a dominatrix? this is a purely an educational question my tutor says i'm coming on leaps and bounds for a mature student tia
Just remembvered i saw her the other day on tv at the glamour awards. I never used to like her but now im warming to her and thought she loooked really pretty. Pretty in pink so to speak. Well?
you know sometimes i feel like reaching for the phone, ordering a hooker and eat spam from a can. I sing like an amputee though. Does that count? Oh my dear you look so pretty in in the cloudy vision...
Welll sorry i disappeared last night but i was havin early night from cb as ui got a lot planned. Seems i misssed the cabaret . Might catch it again tonight , will get my popcorn in and pick a front...
... of this story, do you think it was right or wrong? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1024 834/70-year-old-mother-year-old-daughter-I-did -women-everywhere.html
... sat on my head during the night? Ow, sh1t. (reaches for the ibuprofen) My fab friends are through in the kitchen making a big breakfast for us all. How cool is that !!! Mmm, smelling great (the...
The folks who feel the need to bitch and moan about the fact that people are on Yoville. What's wrong with them? Are they annoyed the limelight isn't on them for once? The very fact that we aren't...
Having succumbed to the amusing and diverting pastime that is Chatterbank, the following seem to be true: 1. Once you have been lured into CB, you post almost any question under CB, no matter what it...
Saw peter and katie last nite on itv2+1 she was complaining becasue when she fancies a quickie old andre takes 45 minutes to do it. So ladies or guys . Is 45 minutes a quickie in your opinion or is it...
..... attracted just 16 MPs. Any ideas why the turnout was so very low ? Have they just accepted that yoofs kill each other and that there is sod all can be done about it ? Some MPs were attending...
How come, and i have checked this out, women can if necessary, use mens toilets when they are pushed without particular fuss, but if a man attempts to use the ladies whilst there are ladies in there,...