Love this song always have .But this particular video is very good long intro but its a very moving song about a woman who after 15 years wakes up to realise shes very sad and lonely and feels trapped...
I see that legs gone back to the u tube stuff again aint he and gone all weird but it wont will last as much as his piles will. So lets show him that we aint fooled by his nicey ness and lets have a...
A few months ago I noticed a text message from a girl who I have never heard of on my husbands phone. I trust my husband and did not read it and never mentioned it to him. At around the same time he...
A truly brilliant song sung with pure emotion and truly moving. The words are so deep . It truly is a cruel world with so much to lose . Isnt it just ?
I realised today that emails can be the modern day equivalent of letters or diaries.....I know I can pack an awful lot in them once I get going.....especially if I am 'talking' to the right people and...
I really get fed up with some of the morons who come on to the Animals & Nature site and give stupid, offensive "answers" (mostly with sexual innuendos). If these people (if that's what they purport...
Better late than never......which I was originally going to post as "fat piggy"......which is how I felt after roast chicken,roasties,honey roast parsnips,button sprouts....and cherry...
How has your day gone so far? I've had no bad things happen to me today,probably because I just take every other day as just another ordinary day.If anybody is paranoid about this particular date,just...
We all know what they are, and the singular is the same as the plural - but if there had to be another word for more than one set, what would it be? Bagpipses? Bagpii? Bagpusses????
I 'met' her today....well-on the phone anyway. She sounds quite delightful and is great to put a voice at least to the name and end up with a REAL person!
Right you win a bottle of spirits in a raffle at the pub.What kind do you want?Welll put it this way what would you like to win ? Be nice now eh ? NICE TO SEE YOU TO SEEE YOU NICE