need help please 7. enraged singer (9) 31. off the coast of africa (7) 40. speak evasively (6) 42. women are supposed to have trouble with this (6) 47. outing (6) thanks D x
All answers are names of birds or sea creatures 1. Hotel Chain (4) 2. A graduate by himself (7) 12. Only one name (7) 50. An autumn month's work (7) Very grateful to any help thanks in advance x
Timed Films 14. TOFT * JG 15. TWG * ET 16. TRY * VG 17. RM * DG Songs 21. TLT by FF 30. SOTC by S 36. MAR by JR Days & periods of time 64. Once the longest, by it's old name (7,6) Thanks to all who...
All answers relate to animal/creatures 28. This colourful male likes DIY? songs with animal/creature 55. ER by DC 61. UBB by BI 64. BN by PH 65. SOAC by TW 76. TFC by PM 88. IGATBTT by BO 89. TAS by...
Help needed please 6. Ralph's Publication (7,6) 20. Mr (7) 26. Without a friend in the Globe (6,6) 27. Rapid 7/7 (5,7) 36. Church Congregation (6,6) 38. Could be a Film or a Song (3) 49. Savers' Bible...
help needed with the last few answers are all plants 72. sounds like Englishman with rock (11) 75. Fairy with sea-snail (10) 79. A girl with a backward ledge (9) 80. man with lift-man (11) Grateful to...
All answers are found on menus 24. Take an action and away to cook...And you've made it 79. The corporal seeks the winding way to the dining table (2) 85. There's an oak in the cadet's estate, looks...
Struggling with these last few all answers are animals 11. Alice was one 24. Kind of fashion 38.nice pudding 43. too much business maybe? 46. return if this is broken
all in the uk clues needed please if anybody could help me 3. didn't stop 9. blanket village 15. mind yourself 40. full plates 41. not far out i dont want direct answers just clues please