about moving yourself and your family into a house , before the last occupants had time to clean the cooker, the bathroom , or put the hoover round.? Ugh---revolting.
Are/ were they the same person? To me, they seemed to have the same views and personality, both posing as an older gentlemen, Was the person using thir accounts even a man, or even retired? And both...
All of the clocks in my house are slightly different which should we go by? Is the computer clock set by a satellite or when its made or something? So unless the thing that sets it brakes, that'll be...
For the last couple of days I keep getting a pop up of Security Tool Warning saying my computer has been infected with a virus and telling me the only way to get rid of it is to subscribe to this,...
..during the 60 minutes or so we were without a Prime Mininster, ie between HM accepting GB resignation and DC accepting invitation to govern,in the hypothetical event of a terr@rist attack, who would...
last two, help appreciated....
19across - Qualified consent or agreement 3 & 3 *E* **T is it let out?
20 down - Cause of excessive anxiety and irritation 7letters **G*E*R...
Bit late starting this one this week, and I'm already stuck. If I could get these two, I might be able to get more on my own. 5d Substance that damages the health or destroys life (6) ?O?S?A The...
hiya! for once i get to open this thread, although it's because i'm not well and been woken up by pain. clear blue skies here down south and i have a day off (yay!). hopefully, all of you are ok and...
struggling with last two.....
19 across - Qualified consent or agreement 3&3 *E* **T
20 down - Cause of excessive anxiety and irritation 7letters **G*E*R*
Thank you...
Im really stuck on rwo,thanks in advance 45 d Fine grain rock embedded with crystals,gems or fossils (6) and 51 a -----acid; colourless organic compound which smells like rancid butter
Has anybody noticed whenever man utd gloryhunters write to the media, IE Skytext / Newspapers etc, They always begin with...."As a man utd fan" blah, blah, blah, As if it gives them some...