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Richard Hammond, of Top Gear built a full-size replica of the 1605 House of Lords, with 9ft-thick concrete walls.Then blows it up with the exact amount of Gunpowder that was used during the plot....
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Hi Can anyone help i suffer from really bad PMT, usually 3 weeks out of the 4. I also get very stressed very easily. My doc has give me some tablets before but getting off them was horrible and i dont...
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Hi Im a bit stuck, my 4 year old boys loves to play with the dolls house at nursery, he dosent play familys as such but just likes that fact that it has a dog and a baby in it. So my friend bought him...
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Dom Tuk
Has anyone seen any African woman in England who has a clay disk in their lower lip. Its a tribal custom and the lip gets grossly extended due to the disk. Has any such person been seen in England...
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abies (anagram I think) out for the count Musically speaking
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If the brain controls muscles , why do headless chickens run , or is it a myth?
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Why do people ask for a penny for the guy? i have heard it alot but have just been discussing it with friends and none of us knew. Ideas? Anyone?
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Dom Tuk
Is it true that the contribution to global warming from farm animal gases is more than that from all the industries in the world?
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Please could someone give me the names of some really traditional French authors & their works? Also some good websites to source some more info on them would be good (+ translations) please!
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What are the words to " Green grow the rushes ho"
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Hey can anyone name any cases where a species has failed to adapt and has then been extinct? Cheers
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Big Jenny
Why, when the police exhume a body, do they always do it "under cover of darkness" (as it says in my paper)? Why don't they do it in daylight, so they can see what they're doing?
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There was an article on a TV magazine this morning. The guest was a woman who is HIV positive and has been for 12 years (I missed how advanced the disease is). When she first found out about this, she...
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I am pleased to see Jamie Oliver has won 2 awards for promoting healthier school dinners. Our school dinners years ago were far healthier than they are now. We had fish and chips on a friday the rest...
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what is the average capacity of a 20 year olds stomach
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I need a book to read. Does anybody know of a really nice happy book that you could tell me of?
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I have a 16 and a half year old completely blind Yorkshire Terrier, who is a little bit incontinent - up to now her puddles have been restricted to the kitchen floor (easy to mop up!) but in the last...
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when do puppies eyes change color
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what does one feld swoop mean?
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History & origins and why it was considered satanic?

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