I'm not a big reader of books, but I've heard so many people say 'The film wasn't as good as the book'. Is this some kind of mass snobbery (not that I'm saying that there's anything wrong with reading...
Where can I purchase Sparkling Shiraz (RED) wine & price, (Not Banrock Station or Cockatoo ridge from Sainsbury's or Tesco). Something a bit different. Purchase from within the UK or by import.
Have a go, folks. Name the films these quotes are taken from. 1) Now what we have here is a failure to communicate. 2) Wait a minute, there's movement. It seems to have life...organic life. 3) The...
Lots of film quotes here...from which film does each line come?1 'are yeh alright Sharon' 2 'I'm not the heroic type. Really, I was beaten up by the quakers'3 'you haven't seen me very upset'4 'Mr...