Can anyone help with these clues, all the answers are connected with money:- 1.Micawber's economic margin(8) 2.Duck for a film(9) 3.Begged of a buddy(4) 4.Choice of scenery for model theatres(5,5,8,8)...
24 down has me stumped - A simple spore producing organism, 5,5 reads *l*m*/m*u*d.
It has been asked previously according to Google, but I cannot find it....
i stumbled across it when i was at 6th form a few years back. i had googled something like 'is sweeney todd real?' for my history presentation on London. signed up and not been off since! how did you...
23a. Bear with aim to get to northern river (6) E???R?, 27a. A confession of action left one being seen as a hero (4) ??O?, 24d. Medic's bad practice (5) ????L
6d juvenile delinquent has it both ways, a pointless achievement (3) n?? 10a playwright to a greater extent, penning fiction (7) r???e?e 17a English team, say demolished weak opposition (4,4) e???...
A very pretty young speech therapist was getting nowhere with her Stammerers Action group. She had tried every technique in the book without the slightest success. Finally, thoroughly exasperated, she...
35 dn chemical decomposition of a compiund due to reaction with water (10) ?y?r?l?s?s
47 dn large platter or table setting (7) ??a?g?r
many thanks in advance...
German apt to become a star p??t?g??? (anag I assume)
Cordon let out to remove authourity d??oT??? (ditto)
Angry blow coming from the side ???l????d...
last few please!
ray to smile at duck trajectory 3 words
put down payment to be paid now
doctor initially away to remove clothing
many thanks...