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I am looking for a good hotel in Chattanooga. Any ideas?
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Just watched MOTD, Gerrard fell over then looked at the ref for a penalty. How dare he criticise foreign footballers. He is a diver and a cheat, its not the first time he has done it. What a waste of...
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Why don't we simply stop and search ALL young Muslim like men travelling alone and subject them to rigorous searches at airports? Let's face it, the chances of my blowing up a plane (white, mid 30's,...
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Would you ever have believed it, All of the suspected muslim bombers come from Britain!
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Where is everyone? (yes I know its not a proper question!) Still asking it though!
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just got back from seeing Chitty chitty Bang Bang at the Hippodrome - it was brilliant. it took my mind off things for the evening anyway.
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Terrorists yet again turn out to be British Muslims. Their spokespeople on TV are already blaming the British government for this. Eh? Excuse me!!! They just can't take any responsibility for their...
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Ok we have; engLAND ireLAND scotLAND and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wales?Why isnt wales walesLAND as well,just curious!Ta
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I would be interested for your opinion.... I am definitely worried that this country will slowly be overtaken by the Muslim religion, helped along by this government never wishing to stand up for it's...
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Just been announced that he's the new skipper for England? Thoughts please..........................Good choice in my view, having said that Gerrard would of been good too!
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Our esteemed leader John Prescott is about to address the nation. Now dont laugh or snigger at the back.
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thought he was Liverpool's best player 2night. i have just remembered who Peter Crouch reminds me of.....Bambi on ice.
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I should probably have put this on Films & TV but thought I might get a few unbiased opinions on here. What is the point of this "programme" Apparently there are reasonably intelligent people who...
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Can anyone tell me if it is possible to play the Florida Lottery from the UK, if so how I go about it?
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Had dogs for 20 years never,NEVER had fleas before,,,,,until now,bathed the dog,sprayed everywhere but obviously the shop stuff is,,useless,just want them gone,wouldnt it just be easier to get pest...
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Last year I re-potted a large purple cordyline into an alibaba type pot (plastic). Lately it's started to 'weep' from the trunk near the base (looks a bit like it's rotting) and also where the dead...
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We have cats and although we use drops on a monthly basis we seem to have been infested with fleas. We have spent a fortune on Bob Martin bombs, sprays and cat drops. We still have a number of fleas...
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Isn't it a sad reflection on the aphathy of most people, when the questions on Film & TV far out-number the questions regarding the news?
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I want to know if any other Australian read the article/review by Cathy pryor in the saturday paper. i just wanna know if they were offended by the blanket statements she made about aus. i was soo...
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I'm really enjoying the Maria programme, even ALW's contribution, is he real ? but I can't get this bloody song out of my head ! I'm driving this family mad........

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