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23 Across - Ensures one has a nap standing up ? (6) -e-s-s
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My GGrandfather John Simpson Stewart got Married in 6/2/1903 to Frances Husband I think they stayed at 7 Robertson Bank , Gorebridge Midlothian Which Colliery Did he work at ??? Cheers Ian Anderson...
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70% of Chatterbank users have ditched their 'jellybaby' image and set themselves up with a brand new avatar. Only 5% of Q&P posters have changed theirs. Come on folks - show we are not a bunch of...
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Hi, me again, I'm stuck on more dingbats and would appreciate any help. 1. CIRCUI 2 i (tick symbol) i 3. wind OW 4. MOLAR INCISOR CANINE 5. T E C H I E many thanks...
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The Tories need the biggest swing vote for 80 years, and they need to win marginal seats. There are 20 key Tory/LibDem marginals. On last night's performance, the LibDems are polling 14 points higher...
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please could you write out a full explanation, not in notes as i really dont understand how to work this out
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I've been in touch with my ex to tell her that her official polling card had arrived. She was a little surprised because she has had one for her new address. Does this mean she could technically vote...
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Did the issue of conscription result in long lasting and deep divisions in Australian society? (1914-1918)
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Clue is: El. Au. (7,4) I am assuming the second word is Gold, as Au is the chemical symbol for gold, but have no idea what the first word could be! Any ideas?? Thank you...
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is it obligatory to have a survey done on a house that you see and like and you want to buy?
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Would I be right in thinking this site is predominantly used by 40 and 50 somethings a simple yes if you are a 40/50 something will do, I am not that nosey. and obviously a no if you are either...
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Did anyone else think that Alistair Stewart was presenting/refereeing like it was an episode of "Police Camera Action"? I was expecting and infrared view from a Helicopter at one point!...
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In the latest ad, does anyne know what film they've taken the music from? It's so familiar, I'm going to kick myself, but I just can't put a name to it.
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1- Field hospital worker M?D?? 2- Plumbs (depths) ???I?S 3- Imprinted vividly E???ED 4- Snowy region A????? 5- Ranked player ???D Thanks...
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My GGrandfather pte John stewart died in southern Iraq and is buried there he died in 1916. I am trying to find where he is buried and what regiment he was in. I am also trying to find the link...
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Does any one remember at the end of WWW2 when such things as sweets and fruit was a luxury.There was a case when a special consignment of bananas was made for a sick child.What was wrong withe chilod...
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Whistle-blowing website Wikileaks has released a video which it claims shows the killing of civilians by the US military in Baghdad in 2007. It is...
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Can someone clear this up for me... Is an alkane an unsaturated hyrdrocarbon and an alkene a saturated hyrdrocarbon? If not... whats' the different between saturated and unsaturated hyrdrocarbons and...

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