Unfortunately no girl cares for this Christmas vocalist (5,6) sorry no letters Testify falsely taking in six from celebration (9) sw------- Very energetic cad in my broadcast (7) b-n-m-- US soldier,...
26. The Northern jug is more modern (5) -ewer
44d. Ship full of sherry (8) -c-o---r
54a. Find a town in Co. Cork or mark catch otherwise (11) A-T--
Happy Christmas and New Year
Many thanks...
27a. Sustained military attack (10) -l-t-k-i-g RTE GUIDE CHRISTMAS CROSSWORD 34d. Their '70s hits are recorded on camera i misplaced (7) a-72a. But to whom will the war-broken poor initally turn (10)...
Grid 1 10a Afflicted (8) s-r-c-ed Grid 2. 21a. Not making sense (10) i--o-e-e-t Agriword 561 20d. Satisfactory at one's job (9) c---e-e-t 27d. Do you not pin it on if you are goodge (5) b-d-- 6a. A...
18a. True of these that become our informants? Press here (3,6,6) -h- f---t- e-t-t- (is it the fourth estate) 27/28a. Holidays on the way at least for Americans (8,4,6) Vacation -i-e -----g 17d. Fame...
Grid 1 - 13d. Easily persuaded (8) a-ee-b-e 17d. Make a hole in (6) -i-r-e Grid 2 - 6d. Radion signal (5) -l-e- 2d. Extend (7) -t-e-n- IRELANDS OWN CROSSWORD 16d. Occuring after a long wait - outcome...
11a. Marshy plants that sound like bovine charges (9) B-o---h-s 9d. Steer this a block outside the University of Limerick (7) ---lock 16d. Physiological way to effect a big coal oil change (10)...
8a. Two for one sounds fruity 94) -a--
2d. Almost exact summary going down 96) ---c-s
6d. O for that sad old song - every wolf's favourite (4,4) Play -o-n
8d. Expose injuriously to sunllight. The sores ails badly (8) S-l-r-s- Star Chic Puzzles. Grid 1. 12a. Hard to decipher (11) -n-c-u-a-l- 14d. Creepy lust (7) -e-h-r- Grid 3. 13d. Take advantage of (7)...
19a. Helpfully (10) ---i-i-g-m 20d. Connections to English poet (7) --e-g-s Gordius Crossword 16d. A regular dealers' meeting that might teachn one a lesson (4,6) ---d school 18a. Microscopic...