20a. And others from the entangled tale (2,2) -t-l
27d. Burger coming up without hesitancy , dig (4) G-u-
Agriword 827
Type of Bonbon (7) -u--r-p
65a. From every reader acknowledging London, its the call of the ..wild (5) Fe-a- IMOS 951 4d. Not a chance (2,4) No d-c- Fineagtas 824. 45d. How one phases how angelic they are (7) -e-a--s Thank you...
24a. So marvellous as to be the stuff of legends (8) F---l--- 18d. The advice is to clone differently (7) -o---l 10a. See a popular crowd in the smaller picture (5) I-s-p 19d. City in Northern Spain...
9d. You can be sure some swine will root it out (7) -r--fle 15a. Hot breakfast made with fish aloft (3-2) --y-p RTE No. 39 12a. It remains around the waistline (5) -t-y- 4d. Latin love from the...